- 125g minced meat (pork, chicken, beef)
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 bird eye chilli
- 10 g shallot
- 2 tbsp canola oil
- 1 handful holy basil
- Dash of Golden Mt. Seasoning Sauce (SKU 432.20)
- 1 tbsp Megachef Premium Fish Sauce (SKU 425.17)
- Dash of ABC Kecap Manis (SKU 432.01B) (optional)
- Dash of Megachef Oyster Sauce (SKU 433.41) (optional)
- Lion Brand Jasmine Rice (SKU 100.38)
- On high heat fry chilli, garlic, shallots in canola oil
- Add minced meat and fry until done
- Add Golden Mt. Seasoning Sauce, Megachef Premium Fish Sauce, ABC Kecap Manis (optional) Megachef Oyster Sauce (optional)
- Take pan off heat and add holy basil
- Serve with a fried egg on top of Lion Brand Jasmine Rice

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